When men refrain, from lack of courage, from attending to inner conflicts, their inner battles manifest in the outer world. Moral cowardice manifests in wars and conflicts that were intended for inner moral development; instead, though, they are played out on the world stage. Attending to inner battles by facing unripeness in character from unattended wounding is a path less traveled, as embarking on this narrow course may wound the vanity of certain people. It is the obvious duty of all people to repudiate things untrue whether they exist within or among us and this task demands courage. Development of inner courage is not only a curative, but also the seed for evolutionary propulsion into future epochs.
Demonstrated inner moral development imbues the soul with mighty forces of evolving inherent sovereignty. Perhaps the most devout human action is telling the truth and defending its honor. Human freedom is constructed by cultivating the relationship between inner peace and its outer face, justice; this is righteousness defined. Righteousness is the birthing power of abiding purpose found by correctly and consciously claiming one's position between wisdom and love. Finding right relationship between these two forces is the task of the modern age. Fulfillment of our inner endowment is born from the fruition of a self fulfilling trust fructified by inner peace, creating peace within and among.
Once we know and name our inner endowment, we are capable of knowing peace forged from self knowledge: wisdom is the premise of love.
For more www.hagiagraphia.substack.com

Art by Arild Rosenkrautz