A good cry
I am tired. I admit, I am tired.
Last night was a long night, not to different from any other these days, just amplified.
It seems when we are more clear about our mission, or work, our awareness of realities becomes acute, one can become weary.
We choose where we wish to build and create, where our consciousness resides, and for how long.
Why do we choose to stay in a space that creates anything less than love? Why do we play in others places and spaces? Finally, can we create in another’s world?
It’s seems no matter which direction one goes, there is yet another set of boundaries, and challenges. Equally there are choices and possibilities, but only with the self.
We came to learn the significance of the I Am, the singularity in the whole, the master and servant balance. Lest we loose sight of our purpose we must go deeper within.
Today I wish to fall to the ground and weep. I hear a song playing on the airways “and I am calling all angels” this echoes to distant corners.
Building bridges: these are consciousness paths for humanity to calibrate out of the enslavement programs that once held this hologram together.
The God structures are being built as they were buried long ago. There are physical remnants all around us, but in the disguise of density, we fall into deep slumber.
We return to the all that is, from the all that is not.
I am witnessing a version of myself knelt upon a space of nothing and everything, I am screaming waves of frustration, and there are strands of light in my hands. It feels in my body and mind like tangled webs of light, a puzzle I cannot comprehend.
I cannot decide if I need stillness or a walk, and cannot see if either are an option. A most bizzare sensation to witness.
So I write.
The programs in the system are fracturing the minds, the pieces of consciousness experiencing this are the ones stuck in time… fragments.
Our Children are under specialized attacks.
After a long night of my youngest daughter struggling through nightmares, I saw a red X in her brain. The ability for information to cross the hemispheres had been haulted. She could hear me but not yet trust it was me, I was challenged to see her. I had to focus and be ever present in the realm that was holding her hostage. I saw a younger version of her and an older higher vibration or her. This connection was what finally set her free of the space she was stuck in.
These nightmares are carried into the waking moments.
Computers used for school and for pleasure, are sending signals that cause a Schleroric Psychosis in the mind. It’s a type of “frozen in a time of terror”. With the terror activated, there is a vibration being remotely strummed to activate cellular memory. This may look to the child as a loved one (even a mom or dad) causing harm.
Have you noticed a behavioral change in your child?
Children may also be purging and/or experiencing their parent’s genetic traumas. This is similar to the frequency attacks animals are experiencing.
How can we combat this?
A friend of mine suggested individual special time spent with each child. Purchase high quality wool and appropriate sized knitting needles. This engages the mind in a different way. I know I will give this a shot as it has been an intense experience the past few months and significantly increased the past few days.
We move into Ash Wednesday falling on Valentine’s Day so it’s a massive harvesting of energy. Think sexual energies with incubi and succubi everywhere! Then add the lethargy, guilt, and shame of public humiliation as a cross (an x on the forehead) marks all “sinners”. This also echoes the newest X naming many things from Twitter, to the eclipse, the new virus etc…
Please be patient with yourself. I like to think I am strong, and able to hold zero point as well as combat incoming frequencies that are nefarious. While I was able to hold these off, they were incredibly powerful!
I had a challenging time controlling my crying. It was heart to witness myself upon my knees.
Stand in the light of truth, sound your heart tones to holy father and holy mother.
May peace be with each and everyone during these challenging times.
With love,